About Course
Organizer:Taiwan Salt and Light Institute
Location:Microsoft Teams Live Webinar
【Due to intellectual property rights constraints, we are unable to provide the video recording.】
【Target Audience】
(1) Anyone who is interested in PV in US, UK and EU
(2) Anyone who has experience in working in drug safety
Course Outline
The live webinar will be conducted in English.
1. Real Example of an EU PV Inspection 歐盟藥品安全監視查核實際案例
Presenting a real EU PV inspection setting 歐盟藥品安全監視查核的實際情境
Introducing a real standard question 查核標準的實際問題
Presenting a real critical PV finding 藥品安全監視查核的實際重點缺失
2. EU PV Inspection Procedure 歐盟藥品安全監視查核程序
- Which EU authority will come to you? 哪個歐盟機關會來查核?
- EU inspectors approach 歐盟查核人員的執行方法
- EU inspectors focus and conduct 歐盟查核人員關注重點與執行
- EU inspection report & key PV findings 歐盟的查核報告及主要的藥品安全監視查核缺失
- How to deal with findings 如何處理查核缺失
- Impact 查核處理的影響
3. ISO 9001:2015 Principles about Quality Management Systems – Auditing Standards ISO 9001:2015品質管理系統原則-稽核標準
- ISO 9001:2015 Principles about Quality Management Systems ISO 9001:2015品質管理系統原則
- International standards adopted for inspections 藥品安全監視的國際標準
- Basis of each inspection: Documents and Processes 查核依據:文件和程序
- Basis of each inspection: the Interview 查核依據:會談
- Why is a Quality Management System mandatory? 為什麼要強制執行品質管理系統?
- Explanation of Good Documentation Practice 優良文件製作規範解析
- Explanation of document life-cycle 文件生命週期解析
4. Key PV Inspection Findings in the UK 英國藥品安全監視主要的查核缺失
- UK inspectors approach & conduct 英國查核人員的方法與執行
- UK key PV findings 英國藥品安全監視主要的查核缺失
5. Key PV Inspection Findings in the USA 美國藥品安全監視主要的查核缺失
- FDA inspectors approach & conduct FDA查核人員的方法與執行
- US key PV findings 美國藥品安全監視主要的查核缺失
- FDA inspection report FDA的查核報告
- How to deal with warning letters and findings 如何處理FDA警訊與查核缺失
6. Comparison of Different PV Inspection Findings between the EU and the USA 比較歐盟和美國藥品安全監視查核缺失的差異
Comparison between rating approach 查核評等方法比較
Comparison between main areas 主要查核區域比較
Comparison between findings per area 每個區域的查核缺失比較
7. Q&A Session 問答互動環節
Course Fees & Registration Link
Course Fees:Special Price $4,800 NTD/person; Group Registration Price $4500 NTD/person for two or more participants
Speaker CV

Anika Staack
Current Position:
- EU-Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (EU-QPPV)
- Local German QPPV Consultant and Speaker
Previous Experience:
- EU-QPPV / Stufenplanbeauftragte & Group Leader PV at Medice
- Senior Drug Safety Manager at ICON
- Lead Site Management Associate at PRA
- Clinical Research Associate at SKM Oncology
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- (建議)來信學苑bioschool@biotech-edu.com索取繳費連結。
歡迎於上班時間 : 週一 ~ 週五 09:00 – 18:00
- 來信學苑信箱 bioschool@biotech-edu.com
- 致電聯繫專人客服電話 02-2545-9721
- 透過官網「聯絡我們」功能